The Gauntlet: Issue #51
Newsletter #51 - 7 September 2017 In this week’s issue, we cover what Auckland Transport propose as short-term solutions and what they...

Auckland Transport Alignment Project - Update to reflect faster growth
To view the report, please click here to download a PDF file (805kb). Here are images of the specific mentions of Warkworth in this...

Enormous pressure swamps Warkworth’s Hill Street intersection
To view the original article please click here. Warkworth's Hill Street Intersection continues to be under pressure. Summer is in full...

Council dumps half million on comfort stop upgrades
Click here to view the original article. Warkworth i-SITE manager Olivia Austin (left) and visitor consultant Daphne Schollum couldn’t be...

Will the interim Hill Street intersection improvements fix issues?
To view the original article please click here. The latest quick fix to the Hill St intersection is "lose-lose-lose" for residents,...

MYTH #2: That the Matakana link road will fix Hill Street congestion.
Map showing the Matakana Link, which the announcement says will stop at Matakana Road and not continue on to Sandspit Road. The New...

MYTH #4: Closing Elizabeth Street to southbound traffic will solve the Hill Street Intersection Prob
Auckland Transport graphic showing the proposed trial works. False. It will force 1300 vehicles per day to go 2 km further to get to the...

MYTH #7: You can't fix Hill Street due to the disruption of construction.
In the GIS map above, there's plenty of public land that can be utilised to fix Hill Street and avoid construction disruption. True. The...

Action group says Matakana Link Road is not enough
To view the original article, please click here. Warkworth's Matakana Link misses out the Snells Link Road. An agreement to speed up the...

Transport for Future Urban Growth Update Memorandum
To view the full document, please download it here. #AucklandCouncil #NZTA #WesternCollector #futuregrowth #AucklandTransport #proposedworks